James Arundel - Lancashire Constabulary

James first joined the Lancashire Constabulary on the 29th March 1861. This Page records all his details when he joined.
At this date, his wife Esther was living at her mother's house along with their 2 children
Jane (5yrs) and Louisa ( 11 months ). (just to space down).





His last employment is listed here as being with Joshua Bower (Glass Manufacturer).
Local records for the time show Mr. Bower as quite an infuential man. In 1851 he is listed as Alderman of Leeds, a colliery owner, Quarry owner, farmer and Glass Factory owner. (just to space down).








The 1861 Census was on the 7th April.
It was just 9 days after his joining the Force.
James can be seen, with other recruits, at their lodgings in Preston.
This must have been a 2 week initiation / training period. We can see (page 1b) that James was to be "attached" to the 380 Manchester division on the 16th April 1861.

This Page (1b) now shows his "removal" from the Force on the 1st November 1862.
(just to space down).












He resigned . . . "on account of the death of his wife and having to reside with his parents in Yorkshire".

(just to space down).





He must have made a good impression in his short time in the Police as Supt. Chadwick confirms that James "....is eligible for re-appointment ".

Shortly after the death of Esther, James must have decided to give the Force a second try.

(just to space down).





"Dismissed with forfeiture of arrears of pay, having been prosecuted for absconding from his Division and fined by the Magistrates 10 shillings and costs.